Jobs Advertised
2.9 million
Applications processed
100 million
Emails sent
Video interviews completed
Core Features
Fully Branded Dashboard
Upload your brand
Careers Website Builder
Integrate with ease
2 Factor Authentication
Keep data secure
Unlimited Users
No limit on hiring managers
Restrict Roles
Only see what you need to
Self Service Advertising
Take the power into your hands
Candidate Pipeline
Get an overview of every stage
Connect Collaboration
Recruitment is a team effort
Branded SMS & Email
Communicate with ease
Branded Messaging Centre
Keep in touch with candidates
Custom Email Templates
Ensure touchpoints are consistent
Video Questionnaires
Streamline the recruitment process
Interview Bookings
Calendars baked in
Seamless Onboarding
Automate repetitive processes
Integrated Statistics
Gain insight at every stage
Employee Directory
Keep everyone connected
Absence Request Tracking
Never miss a request again
Holiday Calendar
Streamline the holiday process
Upload your brand
Fully branded Dashboard
Gain an immediate, live, overview of the whole recruitment process allowing you to better manage all aspects in an efficient way. What’s more it can be fully customised to match your brand identity ensuring it fits seamlessly with your other systems.
Integrate with ease
Careers Website Builder
While we do offer discounted premium job advertising services for those who don’t already have something in place you can also integrate with your existing suppliers with minimal efforts. From an open source API link that can be placed directly on the job boards to a customisable branded careers page that you can link to your own website and socials and drive your existing captive audience through to the system.
Keep data secure
2fa to increase security
Make sure that candidate data is keep secure and protected by setting up two factor authentication on your account
No limit on hiring managers
Unlimited users
Get as many people involved as you need to with no limit on how many users you can have, that way you can ensure hiring managers can have full insight into their roles without having to forward things on.
Only see what you need to
Restrict roles to certain users
Ensure confidentiality by adding and restricting user access to certain roles so that users can only see the roles they need access to
Take the power into your hands
Self service adverts
Get roles listed on your careers page instantly with the self service function, they can also be integrated with live job adverts on any major platform to give you full control of the process from start to finish.
Get an overview of every stage
Candidate pipeline
Move candidates through the process seamlessly with our drag and drop candidate pipeline ensuring everyone can quickly see who’s at what stage and get an idea of who the current favourites are using the helpful star system
Recruitment is a team effort
Connect Collaboration
Using Connect you can ensure that everyone who is part of the process can see what’s going on. Progress candidates, leave notes for each other, give your favourites a 5 star ranking, or invite each other to video interviews; the system is designed to help your team work together as efficiently as possible.
Communicate with ease
Built in SMS
Communicate with candidates directly using our built in SMS hub. You can either send personalised direct messages to specific candidates or send out bulk notifications/reminders to make sure all candidates are kept informed throughout the process.
Keep in touch with candidates
Branded Messaging Centre
Keep in touch with candidates during the process using the fully branded messaging centre, that way you can reinforce your brand and keep candidates feeling engaged throughout. Both parties can also attach documents so it’s prefect if you use an application form or need additional supporting documents.
Ensure touchpoints are consistent
Email templates
Keep your communications consistent using our helpful email templates, it comes pre-set with three frequently used ones for inspiration but you can fully customise them to personalise your approach. Make use of the handy auto-fill function to bulk send updates to candidates quickly and easily.
Streamline the recruitment process
Video Questionnaires
Pre-screening your candidates with automated video questionnaires. It’s easy to do, just pick from your custom list of preset questionnaires, send them out to your candidate, and review them at your leisure.
Calendars baked in
Interview Bookings
Keep everything in one place by booking interviews directly through the system and manage them all with the built in calendar (which you can sync with your existing calendar). Aside from the typical face to face or phone interviews you can also book and conduct live video interviews directly through Connect, without the need for additional logins.
Automate repetitive processes
Seamless onboarding
Seamlessly transition candidates from your ATS to the HR system, just mark them as hired and the system will prefill the relevant information for you and automatically send out your onboarding email and documents.
Gain insight at every stage
Integrated statistics
Improve and refine your process using our integrated statistics and the insight it gives you on every stage of the process. From which months yield the most apps for your types of role to average days spent at each stage you can identify bottlenecks and streamline the process for both you and the candidates.
Keep everyone connected
Employee Directory
Help your team keep in touch with the built in employee directory giving everyone a quick and easy way to get in touch with each other whether in the office or working remotely.
Never miss a request again
Absence Request Tracking
Keep track of all outstanding requests as well as a record of historic requests letting you know who has requested what, and when!
Streamline the holiday process
Holiday Calendar
Manage the company holidays and absences on one helpful calendar, you can see both approved and outstanding requests to better help you manage any clashes within the team.
Revolutionise your recruitment process with a ConnectPro subscription today.
Per month Per year
- Open-source Job Posting
- Candidate Pipeline
- Messaging Centre
- Face to Face Video Interviews
- Set Company Logo
- Full Company Branding
- Video Questionnaires
- Careers Page
- CV Database
- Membership Discounts
- HR Module
- 100 Direct SMS per month
Cancel your subscription at any time.